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Our products


Revolutionise your supply chain with real-time data insights


Our product suite


Business level monitoring


Our flagship tool, business level monitoring allows you to monitor human rights impacts or working conditions when and where you need it, delivering data quality and best-in-class dashboards along with strategic support. Prices depend on workforce size and monitoring frequency.


Landscape Assessments


A Landscape Assessment is an assessment of human rights risks and improvements tracked over one year, across a sector and sourcing geography. This assessment is based on live data direct from workers or smallholders. 




While our primary role is a human rights data provider, we also provide complimentary products that help you to optimise the impact of our monitoring. These products include customised reporting that helps you to communicate the insights we provide to your stakeholders. Another helps you to support your suppliers with how best to practically drive improvements where workers have reported improvements are needed, with our response protocol.
