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Unveil hidden risks in your supply chain with our Landscape Assessments


Our dynamic and live data empowers sustainability and procurement professionals to know the broad nature and extent of human rights risks in a particular sourcing geography or sector.


 Uncover opportunities and hidden risks for your business

Human rights risks

Identify specific human rights risks that apply in different provinces of a particular landscape

Human rights strengths

We don't just report on risks but also on what is working well in your businesses


Because we track changes over time, you can see what and how human rights risks have been mitigated

Systemic challenges

Spot the risks that can be managed by your business and systemic risks that may require multi-stakeholder effort

 Say goodbye to outdated risk analytics

Our Landscape Assessments are based on live data directly from the rights holders working for your suppliers, allowing you to track change over time. 


What else do you get with Landscape Assessments?


Meet your requirements for human rights risk assessment and tracking

  • Assess specific human rights risks across high risk geographies

  • Track and measure if, when and to what extent improvements have been made

  • Participating businesses see own results & can benchmark against aggregated results

  • Opportunity to share costs between brands sourcing from same geography

  • Guide buyer-supplier dialogue to focus on what can be done to address specific human rights risks

Unlock the full picture of your business: get beautifully balanced reports highlighting your risks, improvements and strengths.

You also get a valuable benchmark report on how your own supply base has performed relative to the set of average trends in the region.

Take charge of your company's human rights impact today

Get actionable insights, track improvements, and drive meaningful change across your sourcing geographies.

Start today
