Project details
The underlying objective for the project was to collaboratively refine the systems for identifying hidden exploitation in construction, and then measuring to what extent those issues have been addressed – by subcontractors and the brands managing the sites.
What we discovered
We found that the three participating companies' results showed 4 common challenges over the period when monitoring took place, namely:
that migrant workers are especially vulnerable to poorer working conditions, and experience different working conditions to their local peers.
that there are many cases where workers report wages "running out before month end".
that a channel for safe reporting is currently not available to all workers on all sites
that different working conditions apply to workers doing different kinds of work, albeit it on the same site. While an obvious finding, this reiterates the need to drive different improvement activities for different categories of subcontractor.
We also discovered and consequentlysuggested that the particular experiences of migrant workers on UK construction sites warrants more detailed investigation and action. In order to drive targeted interventions, more detail about the particular situation of migrant workers when it comes to financial wellbeing, treatment at the hands of managers and their rights and liberties when it comes to reporting issues safely when required, is needed.